A true oasis
is taking shape
in the heart of the city


A unique residential and business environment in the historical Luther Quarter

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Luther Quarter has been reborn. Here, where the past meets the future, the historical and the contemporary combine. This former production site, originally closed off from the rest of the city, is transforming into an important and lasting part of Tallinn’s urban culture once more. The Luther Quarter is like an oasis in the heart of the city, drawing people to it and open to everyone.

Ajaloolise arhitektuuri kõrval on loodud uus lahendus sellisena, et väärtustada olemasolevat ning tekitada kvaliteetne linnaruum, mis tunnustab kvartali elanikke, töötajaid, selle kasutajaid ning turistide elu ja -hetki.


Urban homes and business premises in a prime location.

Everything you need is right here, created especially for you. Exciting but safe, recognisable but new, natural and unique all at the same time. Everything is in balance in the Luther Quarter – the perfect place to call home, an exciting place to work, a unique place to spend time and an ideal place in which to lose (or perhaps find) yourself.

Siin leiad luksuslikud katuseterrasside või suurte rõdudega korterid ning kaasaegsed büroopinnad. Toiduturg, poetänav ja väiksemad äripinnad lisavad alale väärtust veelgi. Aega saab veeta veesilmaga puhkealal ning pere väiksemad leiavad rõõmu turvalisel mänguväljakul.

Urban homes and business premises in a prime location.
Unique architecture. An historical residential and business environment.
Unique architecture. An historical residential and business environment.
Unique architecture. An historical residential and business environment.


Unique architecture. An historical residential and business environment.

Both the form of the apartment buildings and the flow of the space around them take their cue from the flexing of plywood that was once so characteristic of the Luther Quarter.

Uues Kvartali sisehoovis on arvestatud inimeste liikumistrajektooridega, mis tekitavad majade vahele põnevad linnaehituslikud vaated ning mugavad läbipääsud. Kombinatsioon pargist ja platsidest loob mitmeid tsoone, mis toetavad erinevaid tegevusi.


A new lease on life for a 19th-century plywood factory

The A.M. Luther factory relocated to a site abutting the Pärnu road in 1877 when it rented wooden production buildings on Tatari Street from the Girard Soucanton wallpaper factory. Expanding rapidly over the next couple of decades, it came to fill the entire plot of land between the Pärnu road and Tatari, Vana-Lõuna and Vineeri streets.

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